Wednesday 28 December 2011

Questionnaire Results

 This graph shows the top 10 results of the question, what words do you associate with rock music. I asked this question so that when i design my magazine, i know what kind of things to include that will appeal to the audience. For example, because the highest response was guitars, i know to include guitars in my design.

I thought this question was appropriate to ask because it will help me decide on colour schemes when i come to design my magazine. I think then by asking this question, more people will find the magazine more appealing. The top answer was blue, then following is red, so i know them two colours are most appropriate for my magazine.

By asking how often my target audience buy a magazine, i will be able to use the results to decide on the frequency of publication for my own magazine. These results show me that the magazine shouldn't be very often and should be about every month.

I asked the question, what do you like about magazines because i want to include content and have a design that people will be interested in. So by having informative content and pictures, that will be the best design and layout for my magazine.

In addition to this, i also asked what do you dislike about magazines so i know what to avoid when i come to designing and structuring the content for my magazine. My results show me that i must avoid including too much information and advertisements.

I wanted to have an idea what my target audience liked about designs so i compared the three magazines, NME, VIBE and Kerrang! and asked which design they liked the best. The highest result was NME, so i now know when creating my magazine i should base my design on NME the magazine because that is what is most popular.

This question is another question based on design and appearance. I asked which font they liked the best so that i knew how to style the writing included in the magazine as well as the rest of the layout. My results show me that both fonts 1 and 2 were really popular.

I did two more questions to find out more information so that i could create a good magazine. One question was whether incentives would persuade you to buy a magazine, the results i got back were Yes (24) No (7). This shows me that i should include incentives in my magazine because it would persuade more of my target audience to buy it. I also asked the question, Would information on upcoming concerts interest you? To which i got the results Yes (28) No (3) which tells me that if i include a gig guide in my magazine, then it will be really popular with my target audience.
By finding out the best price for a magazine, i will be able to know what my target audience find the most appropiate price. This will benefit me when i come to price the magazine i am creating, and know that £1-2 pound is the best price to have.

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