Saturday 25 February 2012

Audience Response Questionnaire

Questionnaire results

Feedback 1
1. I like the colour scheme on all the pages; it makes it more sophisticated and professional. I like the front page, with all the pictures on it. All the pages look professional and the Double Page Spread looks likes it’s properly from a magazine.
2. I think that more colours on the contents page would be helpful, because it keeps in with the colour scheme, but maybe the colour on the pictures could help it stand out Description:
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Just right
6. Double Page Spread
7. Contents page
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes

Feedback 2

1. I think that the pictures make the magazine look good and also the colours used are bright and colourful so it makes the overall cover appealing.
2. I think that there could have been more pictures on the double page spread to keep your layout of many pictures going throughout the magazine.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Just right
6. Contents
7. Double page spread
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes

Feedback 3
1. Looks professional, well-made/designed
2. Not sure.
3. Yes
4. No
5. Too Complicated
6. Front Cover
7. Contents
8. Yes
9. Yes 
10. Yes

Magazine Final Cover + Contents

This is the final cover i produced on Photoshop for my college magazine.
This is the final contents page that i produced for my college magazine on Photoshop.

Friday 24 February 2012

Kerrang Magazine


To practise my editing skills the aim for this task was to try to recreate the Kerrang magazine using the Photoshop software. On the left you can see the magazine cover I was trying to replicate and on the left is my attempt at making it look as similar as possible.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Planning the College Magazine

In this image you can see the contents ideas that I came up with for my magazine. Also the magazine names i thought were best appropriate for a college magazine.

This image is a list of features that are seen in a magazine. I wrote all the features out so that i could use some of them when coming to designing my magazine.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sketches of Front Cover and Content Layout

 This is a rough layout of my main cover. I have decided to put the masthead in its usual place at the top of the page were it is noticeable with the issue number. I have centered my cover star so that i can put information around it as well as other images so it is all spread out. I have put a barcode at the bottom of the page because it is more suitable there. And i have added a quotation to go along with the cover star to give an positive opinion of the college which the readers will pick up on.

I have added a few details on the content but not revealing too much so that the reader is encouraged to read it, as well as a puff that gets the readers attention and further encourages them to read it.


This is a rough layout of my contents page. Again the masthead is at the top of the page to inform the reader of the aim of the page. I also have included the information of the contents broken up into subheadings so that there is not too much information. Also to make the contents more subtle, i have included a series of images as well as an exclusive story that aims to interest the reader to read the magazine. 

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Raw images from my college magazine

Here are the images that i used when creating my magazine. Also there are pictures that i took that i was unsure about using which also feature in this blog.

Thursday 12 January 2012


Media Studies - Magazine Evaluation
Planning was the first stage of creating my college magazine. I began by listing the things that feature in a magazine such as, masthead, images and incentives so that I would be able to include some of them when I came to create my magazine. Then I moved on to create a list of possible titles that would be suitable and then decided on which I thought was best which turned out to be “Priestley People.” I then continued by creating a series of sketches of my front cover so that I could choose which design I thought looked best.
The technology I used to create my magazine was the software Photoshop. I was able to use a variety of tools to make the cover look the best it could. I used the ‘Magnetic Lasso tool’ to cut out my background image so that the banner was placed either side of my cover stars head. Then I used the site ‘Dafont’ to get the style of text I used for my masthead. I changed the colour of the masthead and then by going to ‘blending options’ and adding a ‘stroke’, I was able to create a black outline to make the title look more abstract and effective.  I also added a puff to make a certain part of the content stand out. I thought that it would be considered as important so I added the effects such as ‘drop shadow’ and ‘outer glow.’ By adding an outer glow of a different colour, the information automatically stands out from the rest of the page as intended.
To create my contents page I decided on a standard, simple template that would structure the information well. I used the website ‘Dafont’ again to get a font for the masthead. I made the masthead quite big at the top of the page, so that it is clearly stated what page of the magazine it is. By using the ‘rectangle tool’ I was able to add a black coloured rectangle behind my white subheadings so that I was able to break up the information into little sections so that it wasn’t too much. Then using the 'text tool' i was able to add all the information required. I added images to make the page look more appealing and then added a 'stroke' to them through 'blending options' so that i was able to add a black border to them. Then by changing the setting to 'inside' i was able to define the edges to make them sharp.
If I were to create my main cover again, I think I would hold back on all the bold bright colours because even though I wanted it to look appealing to teenagers, I didn't want it to look too tacky. Also, I think I would use a different font for my masthead so that it looked more professional. However I think that the strengths of my main cover were that the information is all clear and evenly spread out and the images have been placed on angles around the page to make it look different to the standard layout. I think the weaknesses of my contents page are that it lacks colour. In contrast to my main cover there is a huge difference, and also the layout is simple which can be viewed as good because it is clear to read but it also looks dull. However, I think that the use of images make the page look alot better as it brings colour to the page and the font style of the masthead is more suitable to the audience compared to the front cover.

Monday 9 January 2012

Initial ideas

Types of Music Magazine
-         Pop - This would work because there are many up and coming pop music artists. It is one of the most popular music genres and would be easy to write about.
-         Rock/Metal/Punk- This is also easy to work with because there are not that many rock magazines compared to the likes of Pop and R&B. This means that there is space of another rock magazine that would be suitable.
-         R&B - This is a music genre that is becoming more and more popular each day. I think that this means it would be interesting to a wider audience because they would all have some kind of interest in this type of music.
-         Classical - If i were to be stereotypical, there are not many younger people who have an interest in classical music. 

I have decided that I am going to create a pop-rock magazine. It will interest both genders and will have the target audience of people aged 16-25. The aim of the magazine will be to promote bands to people who are into the pop-rock genre. For example artists such as All Time Low.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Researching The Market Place – Similar Magazines

Rocksound  is a similar magazine to the type that i want to create. The price of the magazine is £3.99 which is alot higher than other magazines such as Kerrang! however Rocksound includes a free Cd with each issue. The frequency of the publication is every month, this is the reason why the issue size is quite big because it has to fit in a whole months worth of rock music. It is 115 pages so the content of the magazine includes a wide range from exclusive interviews, 23 new bands to listen to and a list of tour dates.

Kerrang! magazine is also another magazine that is similar to the one that i would like to create. Unlike Rocksound, this magazine is weekly and therefore only 63 pages long. It however includes all the similar content such as tour dates, posters, reviews and features many interviews with different rock bands. The price for the magazine is £2.20 which is more realistic for a rock music magazine with regards to who the target audience is.